What is British Hills?
British Hills is Japan's leading English immersion village. It uses authentic British buildings and furniture to recreate the feeling of visiting the UK. British Hills also offers a full range of classes from from elementary school to adult and business learners. You can practice and learn English with teachers and staff from many Commonwealth nations.
Take a look at the video to get an idea of what you can expect at British Hills
The British Hills Experience
The British Hills Knowledge Base
Visit the British Hills Knowledge Base, and learn all about the UK, the Commonwealth, and more.
The British Hills Knowledge Base is a free online resource for all levels of students. Use it to improve your English while learning more about British Hills and the cultures it represents!
You can find graded English articles, worksheets, puzzles, and challenges for learners of all ages and abilities.
You can find graded English articles, worksheets, puzzles, and challenges for learners of all ages and abilities.
Introducing British Hills e-learning
Enjoy a British Hills experience from anywhere with free English lessons from our teachers!
Meet Our Staff
Learn about the wonderful instructors who make your British Hills experience special.
hubbub PodcastListen to a podcast created by our teachers. Download a transcript of each episode to enhance your listening experience.
British Hills Teacher Development Course
Learn useful strategies to make your lessons more engaging and interesting.
Contact Us
We want to hear from you. Contact us using the form below or through your favourite social media platform.
What's happening at British Hills?
Live feed from the official British Hills Instagram account - @britishhillsjapan