Pronunciation Skills C
- learn how syllable stress and word stress are used in natural spoken English to alter meaning
- create a simple Haiku using the correct syllable structure and stress
- learn and use the IPA to pronounce words correctly
- record yourself using correct pronunciation and stress
Discussion Skills
- analyse example discussions and learn how to use a civil tone and phrases to temper language when discussing controversial issues
- engage in polite discussion on a variety of topics
- identify and understand the differences in usage for various forms of English future tense: simple, continuous, and perfect
- quiz yourself trying to identify errors in written and spoken English language
- discuss your predictions for the future of both individuals and nations
Introducing Japan: Formal & Academic Language
Please note: Parts of this class involve sensitive topics. These have been chosen to demonstrate a language point: how to talk about sensitive issues. All information and passive-voice example sentences are taken directly from the English-language Wikipedia page to demonstrate passive voice usage in the English-speaking world. They do not reflect the opinions of British Hills.
Please note: Parts of this class involve sensitive topics. These have been chosen to demonstrate a language point: how to talk about sensitive issues. All information and passive-voice example sentences are taken directly from the English-language Wikipedia page to demonstrate passive voice usage in the English-speaking world. They do not reflect the opinions of British Hills.
- learn the different uses of the passive voice
- describe aspects of Japanese history and culture to others
- use the passive form to speak formally and academically
- learn how to discuss controversial/sensitive subjects with care
- analyse and interact with authentic language taken from the English-language version of Wikipedia
The Idioms and Sayings of William Shakespeare
- learn famous idioms and sayings created by William Shakespeare
- see their usage in natural context and examples
- use these idioms & sayings in short discussions
Negotiation Skills
- introduce and practise the processes of business negotiation
- learn business negotiation phrases and language
- role-play negotiating realistic business deals
Stories and Storytelling 1
- discuss your favourite stories and what makes a good story
- learn about genre, mood, and setting, and how these are incorporated into a narrative
- create your own characters with personalities and backgrounds
- create your own original story outline
Stories and Storytelling 2
- learn the structure of a typical story, from introduction to resolution
- analyse famous short stories and their structures
- map out a story of your own creation
- create your own original short story
Talk about the News
- identify different sections of a newspaper article
- analyse and discuss the structure, content, and language choice of a newspaper article
- learn how analysing representation and agency in the media can reveal sources of bias