These lessons are at the heart of your trip to British Hills. Using language students will be familiar with from their studies, we explore various topics in a fun and engaging way. Whether discussing culture and manners, introducing Japan to visitors, giving speeches or improving pronunciation skills – you can find it all here!
Below, you can find video explanation of our lessons divided into 4 levels: beginner, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced.
Below, you can find video explanation of our lessons divided into 4 levels: beginner, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced.
Beginner lessons
Survival English
pre-intermediate lesson
All About Me
Culture & Manners
English Language in Film
Fun with Directions
Describing Things
Introducing Japan: Pre-Intermediate
Science Challenge
intermediate lessons
Survival English: Intermediate
Lord of the Manor
Listening Skills Intermediate
Introducing Japan: Intermediate
advanced lessons